What is the purpose of the long-stay Premium Visa in Mauritius?

The Premium Visa has been designed for foreigners who wish to stay in Mauritius for a longer period than allowed by a tourist visa. It is intended not only for tourists but also for retirees and professionals seeking a temporary change and looking forward to offering a better living environment to their families while having the right to work. But be careful! The Premium Visa only allows foreigners to work remotely from Mauritius for a company located abroad. Still, it can be an interesting option for investors looking for a potentially lucrative destination.

Below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. Contact us to build and materialize your project, and above all, let us help you settle down on our beautiful island!

Health protocol: What you should know before travelling to Mauritius

Good news for foreigners who wish to come to Mauritius:

  • The country is open to all, both vaccinated and unvaccinated travellers;
  • No test is required before the flight to Mauritius or on your arrival;
  • There is no quarantine for unvaccinated travellers;
  • The wearing of masks is not compulsory in public areas but only recommended;
  • There is no restriction on the number of people who can travel together.

How to apply for a Premium Visa for Mauritius?

The application for a Premium Visa is done online on the Economic Development Board (EDB) portal. However, professional assistance will definitely simplify the process.

How long can I stay in Mauritius with a Premium Visa?

Premium Visa holders are allowed to live in Mauritius and work remotely for 6 months to 1 year.

What is the validity of this long-stay visa?

The Premium Visa is valid for six months to one year.

How much does the Premium Visa Mauritius cost?

The Premium Visa is free of charge and is issued by e-mail.

Is the Premium Visa renewable?

Yes, the Premium Visa is renewable.

Who can apply for a Premium Visa for Mauritius?

The list of nationalities eligible for a Premium Visa is long enough to allow many potential travellers and investors to visit our beautiful island.

If your country of origin is not listed below, you will have to request a tourist visa and then apply for the Premium Visa online once in Mauritius.

Angola Chile Grenada Macau Republic of Congo Suriname
Antigua and Barbuda China Guyana Malawi Romania Sweden
Argentina Croatia Hong Kong Malaysia Russia Switzerland
Australia Cyprus Hungary Maldives Rwanda Tanzania
Austria Czech Republic Iceland Malta Saint Kitts and Nevis Tonga
Bahamas Democratic Republic of Congo India Mexico Saint Lucia Trinidad and Tobago
Bahrain Denmark Ireland Monaco Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tunisia
Barbados Dominica Israel Mozambique Samoa Turkey
Belgium Egypt Italy Namibia San Marino Tuvalu
Belize Estonia Jamaica Nauru Saudi Arabia Uganda
Benin Fiji Japan Netherlands Seychelles Ukraine
Botswana Finland Kenya New Zealand Sierra Leone United Arab Emirates
Brazil France Kiribati Norway Singapore United Kingdom
Brunei Gabon Kuwait Oman Slovakia United States of America
Bulgaria Gambia Latvia Papua New Guinea Slovenia Vanuatu
Burundi Georgia Lesotho Paraguay Solomon Islands Vatican City
Cabo Verde Germany Liechtenstein Poland South Africa Zambia
Canada Ghana Lithuania Portugal South Korea Zimbabwe
Chad Greece Luxembourg Qatar Spain

(Source: https://residency.mu/live/mauritius-premium-visa/

What are the requirements for a Premium Visa?

Premium Visa applicants are bound by several criteria:

  • Present proof of long-stay plans (housing, work contract, etc.);
  • Subscribe to travel and health insurance covering the initial period of stay;
  • Undertake not to enter the Mauritian labour market;
  • Their main income and their employer must be of foreign origin;
  • Comply with all Mauritian immigration requirements.

Can I apply for a Premium Visa while holding a tourist visa?

It is possible to come to Mauritius with a tourist visa and apply for a Premium Visa during your stay. However, the application for the Premium Visa must be made during the validity period of the tourist visa, which is valid for 180 days maximum (including renewals).

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