The education system in Mauritius: How to choose a school or university as an expat

If you’re considering relocating to Mauritius with your family, you’re probably wondering what’s on offer for your children in terms of education, regardless of their age. Magellan gives you an insight into the Mauritian education system and tips to help you choose the best academic options for your children while settling on this beautiful island Republic in the Indian Ocean.

Preschooling in Mauritius

Newcomers and prospective expatriates in Mauritius can choose from a wide range of international preschools offering a stimulating learning environment suitable for young children. These establishments focus on the development of social, linguistic and cognitive skills from an early age.

Primary education in Mauritius

Mauritius boasts a selection of international elementary schools that follow internationally recognized educational programs. These schools are known for offering quality education, with significant emphasis on the acquisition of fundamental skills in an enriching multicultural environment.

Secondary education in Mauritius

Regarding secondary education, expat parents in Mauritius can choose between international schools and local schools. International schools offer programs such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the General Certificate of Education (GCE), preparing students to pursue higher education abroad. Mauritian schools, for their part, follow the national curriculum.

Higher education in Mauritius

Mauritius is also home to renowned higher education institutions, such as the University of Mauritius and the University of Technology of Mauritius, besides branches of foreign universities and other training institutions. These universities offer a wide range of academic programs in various fields, such as science, engineering, commerce, arts and social sciences. This allows expatriate students to pursue their higher education while enjoying the island’s cultural life and beautiful scenery.

Benefits of the education system in Mauritius

There are many benefits to choosing the education system in Mauritius. Pupils and students will likely enjoy a multicultural learning environment that fosters open-mindedness and intercultural understanding. What’s more, educational institutions in Mauritius are renowned for their academic excellence and commitment to student success.

Tips for choosing a school or university in Mauritius

When choosing a school or university in Mauritius, you need to consider several factors, such as curriculum, teaching resources, facilities, tuition fees, location, etc. It is recommended that you visit the chosen establishment and meet the academic staff before deciding where to enroll your children.

Administrative procedures

Before enrolling your children in a school, or joining a university in Mauritius if you are an international student, inquire about the administrative requirements, such as student visas and necessary documents. You are advised to contact the relevant authorities for the most up-to-date information.

Support for expatriate students

Mauritian schools and universities generally offer support for expatriate students, including academic guidance services, integration programs and personalized coaching. Don’t hesitate to inquire about the resources available to help your children adapt and succeed academically.

Bilingual education in Mauritius

Another advantage of studying in Mauritius is the opportunity to learn several languages. Many schools offer bilingual courses, enabling students to master English, the island’s official language and French, the most commonly spoken language besides Mauritian Creole, the national language.

International schools in Mauritius

International schools in Mauritius are private, which means they are paid for, and seats are limited. However, they provide quality education tailored to the needs of expat children. The following are just some of the international schools operating in Mauritius:

  • Greencoast International School
  • Northfields International School
  • Le Bocage International School
  • Telfair International Primary School and High School
  • Westcoast International Secondary School

Expat testimonials

To help you choose wisely, consider having a look at testimonials of expatriates who have already experienced education in Mauritius. Their personal experiences can give you valuable insights into the quality and level of schools and universities available.

Overall, Mauritius offers a wide range of educational options for expatriates. Whether you’re looking for quality preschool education, an international school, or a renowned university, there are a lot of establishments to suit your needs.

Magellan is here to make your family move to Mauritius a success! We guarantee close, high-quality support in your moving plans to Mauritius. Our team of experts will guide you every step of the way. Contact us now to find out more about our services.

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