How to prepare your children for a move to Mauritius

Moving overseas can be an extraordinary adventure for the whole family, but it can also be a source of stress and anxiety for children, regardless of their age. A change of environment, culture and friends can be overwhelming for younger children. It’s, therefore, important to prepare them mentally for this new chapter in their lives. Thanks to its expertise in accompanying newcomers in Mauritius, Magellan puts you on the right track.

How does an international relocation affect children?

An international relocation can impact children at different levels, both positively and negatively. It usually depends on several factors, such as the child’s age, the length of stay in the host country, your planning to move abroad, and, above all, parental support.

The positive effects of international relocation on younger children

It has been proven time and again that moving abroad benefits children in many ways, including open-mindedness and cultural enrichment, development of adaptability and resilience, strengthening of family ties, acquisition of new skills, etc.

  • Moving to a new country allows them to discover new cultures, learn new languages, and develop a broader view of the world.
  • Faced with a new environment and new challenges, expatriate children are brought to develop their ability to adapt and overcome obstacles.
  • An international relocation can strengthen family ties and encourage family members to spend more time together.
  • Learning a new language and adapting to a new school system can help children develop cognitive and social skills.

Adverse effects of international relocation on younger children

The adverse effects include difficulties in adjusting, making new friends and finding their bearings, issues at school, and feelings of exclusion:

  • Moving to a new country can be a source of stress and anxiety for children who may feel lost and isolated in a new environment.
  • Breaking social ties with friends and family back home can be difficult for children.
  • Adapting to a new school system and language can cause learning difficulties.
  • Expatriate children may feel different from children in the host country and find it hard to fit in.

How to involve your children in your international relocation project

We have identified nine best practices that have yielded positive results so far for expat families:

Communicate openly

When planning your move to Mauritius, open and honest discussion about the project with your children is essential. Explain the reasons for the change and ensure that all their questions and concerns are addressed.

Involve your children in the process

Involving your children in planning the move can give them a sense of control. Ask for their help in finding a place to live, choosing schools, and in other practical aspects of the move.

Learn about Mauritius together

Take time to learn about Mauritius together before the move. Explore the culture, geography, language and traditions. This will help your children feel more comfortable and excited about discovering a new country.

Plan scouting visits

If possible, arrange for a visit to Mauritius before the actual relocation. This will help your children familiarize themselves with their new environment, meet other children, and, thus, reduce their anxiety about the move.

Find activities that suit their age

Check out what activities are available for children in Mauritius, and choose those that match your children’s interests. Whether it’s sports, art, music, or outdoor leisure, make sure they have plenty of opportunities to develop and thrive.

Pay attention to their emotions

Transitioning to a new environment can be difficult for children. Pay close attention to their emotions and make sure their feelings are validated. Encourage them to express their concerns and reassure them by supporting them throughout the process.

Maintain familiar routines

During the transition, try to maintain your children’s familiar routines as much as possible. This may include mealtimes, bedtimes, and daily activities. Stability in their routines will help them feel more secure and adapt quickly to their new environment.

Keep in touch with friends and family back home

Organize video calls, letter exchanges, or online games with your loved ones.

Encourage your children to explore their new surroundings

Enroll your children in extracurricular activities that match their interests, show them around, and meet new families.

Summing up

You can actively help your children adapt smoothly to their new life in Mauritius by following these tips and being constantly supportive, although it may take time. Be patient and understanding so your children can eventually blossom and fully appreciate this new adventure.

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