Inclusion: Where does Mauritius stand?

Mauritius has made significant progress towards inclusion in recent years. The country has introduced a series of policies and programs to promote equal opportunities for all, regardless of origin, gender, religion or disability. If you’re contemplating a move to Mauritius, Magellan gives you an insight into the key sectors of the economy to help you make the right decision.


Over the past decades, Mauritius has made significant progress towards inclusive education. It’s noteworthy that education is free and compulsory up to the age of 16. The government has also set up scholarship and grant programs to help children from disadvantaged backgrounds pursue their higher education.

In 2022, the adult literacy rate in Mauritius stood at 98.6%, slightly higher among girls (99.2%) than boys (98%).

The government has also elaborated special education programs for disabled children. These programs are intended to help disabled children develop their skills and ease their integration into society. However, challenges still need to be addressed regarding inclusive education in Mauritius. For example, children from disadvantaged backgrounds may have limited access to educational resources, and disabled children may face discrimination in the school system.


The Mauritian law prohibits employment discrimination based on origin, gender, religion or disability. Moreover, the government provides training and support programs for people with disabilities to help them find employment.

In 2022, unemployment in Mauritius stood at 6.4%, with a higher rate among women (7.7%) than men (5.1%).

However, the government is making significant efforts to promote equal opportunities in the workplace. Examples of such efforts are the setting up of a mentoring program for women entrepreneurs and a training program for people with disabilities.


The public healthcare system in Mauritius is accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic status. The government also provides public health programs to promote the health and well-being of all Mauritians.

In 2022, life expectancy in Mauritius was relatively high at 75.5 years. The infant mortality rate was 10.3 per 1,000 live births, which is also relatively low.

However, health challenges persist. For example, obesity rates, as well as non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, are on the rise.

Addressing the challenges

While Mauritius is set to become a more inclusive society, there are still several challenges ahead.


Although the government is making significant efforts to promote equal opportunities in the workplace, there is still a long way to go. As mentioned above, unemployment is higher among women than men, and people with disabilities still face discrimination in some areas.

The government should, therefore, continue to implement policies and programs to promote equal opportunities in the world of work, such as:

  • Training and support programs for women entrepreneurs;
  • Training and support programs for people with disabilities;
  • Measures against employment discrimination.


The government is committed to improving access to healthcare for all Mauritians and residents, but there is still a long way to go. Obesity rates and non-communicable diseases are on the rise.

The government should continue to implement policies and programs to improve the health of all Mauritians, including:

  • Health awareness programs;
  • Disease prevention programs;
  • Health promotion programs.

The bottom line

Despite persisting challenges, we firmly believe that Mauritius can continue to evolve into a more inclusive and prosperous society. By choosing Magellan, you benefit from proven expertise to navigate through opportunities and make your move to Mauritius a rewarding and successful experience. Contact us now, and let’s contribute together to building a future where inclusion and prosperity are accessible to all in Mauritius.

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